
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Skeeters and bites. Wait. What does eLeMeNO-Pee have to do with mosquitos and bug bites?

It's that time of year again! Can you believe the grass is already greening up, the birds are chirping outside the windowsill, and the temperatures are climbing? I LOVE it! Nothing feels more refreshing than the dawn of a new Spring and eLeMeNO-Pee has a few products that will help start the warmer-season off right!

First off, one of our best sellers of the Spring/Summer are our awesome mosquito bands, called Mosquitno BandZzz. They come in both adult and child sizing and they are a unique and innovative way to keep those pesky little critters at bay.

They are made of silicone and are infused with citronella spray. Each bracelet lasts up to 6 days (up to 150 hours of exposure). They come in sealed packaging to preserve the integrity of the product and they come in various colors. They are waterproof, non-toxic and DEET-free.

Since we are now retailers for the full line of The Honest Company products, we also sell their well-reviewed bug spray!  This product is formulated from non-toxic, non-synthetic, non-petroleum based ingredients and contains pure, organic essential oils  to keep the skeeters at bay. This product is lab tested for efficacy in deterring mosquitoes and flies for up to four hours per application. It is also DEET-free and has a yummy aroma comprised of rosemary, wintergreen, and citronella.

In the event that you do find yourself outdoors without the protection of either of these products, eLeMeNO-Pee also carries a couple of products suitable for helping alleviate the awful itchiness and irritation that comes along with the bug bites.

The Earth Mama Angel Baby Butt Balm works wonders:

As well as the hosie naturals teething cheek balm (I know, sounds crazy, but it works every time!)

Now that you know a few of our all-natural, effective tricks for the Spring/Summer, you will be all set! eLeMeNO-Pee is wishing you a happy, healthy, bug-bite free Spring and Summer! :)

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