
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Lots of new and exciting events coming up at eLeMeNO-Pee!

Now that the summer craziness is starting to wind down and everyone is starting to think about going back to school and getting back into a regular routine, we thought now would be a great time to announce several fun, new things coming to eLeMeNO-Pee!

We will be continuing to offer our popular Cloth 101 classes, including two of them today, Wednesday, July 30th at both 10am and 2pm. The class is free and is an excellent starting point for those curious about cloth diapering and not sure where to begin. We hope you'll join us! 

This Saturday, August 2nd, we will also be holding our first-ever Breastfeeding 101 class as well! If you are pregnant and planning to breastfeed or you're currently nursing and would like some additional information or assistance, please plan to join us this Saturday at 10am for an in-store Breastfeeding 101 class. 

You can register for our Breastfeeding 101 class by calling or visiting the store to  register for the class or by visiting our website, and registering there as well.

Also on the horizon will be Daddy Bootcamp classes and Comfort Measures Natural Childbirthing classes as well. We are working diligently to get those planned and on the calendar so stay tuned to the blog and our Facebook page for important updates regarding details for both of those exciting classes!

We are hopeful that these events will be a welcome service to our community and we would love to have you join us. Also, as part of the launch, all classes (with the exception of Comfort Measures) will be free!  If you have any questions regarding our classes, please feel free to call or contact us via our website and we would be glad to assist you in any way we can.  We are also open to ideas for additional classes you may find useful as well. Be sure to tell your friends and family members -- the more, the merrier!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

So, those "disadvantages" to cloth diapers? Some of them are actually true (but hear me out!)

Did my blog title shock you? I know, why would a "cloth diaper lady" ever admit to common cloth diapering "cons"  actually being true? Well....because some of them actually are!

There are a lot of myths that cloth diapering families hear over and over. Some make you roll your eyes (no, they wouldn't make your baby bow-legged) while others actually have some merit. Let me get started so I can fully explain.

A few of the most common "cons" and my rebuttal:

"You have to touch poop!"
Here's the deal. When you're a parent, poop is part of the job title. I don't care if you use disposables, cloth, or opt for elimination communication. If there's a baby in the house, you're gonna touch poop at some point, it doesn't matter how you diaper your baby. 

"It requires so many more diaper changes."
It's true that cloth will need changed more frequently than disposables. But how is this a bad thing? It encourages your child to have a fresh start with a diaper so they aren't sitting in their own urine or excrement any longer than necessary. I fail to see how this could ever be a disadvantage! I also attribute this to my daughter never having a single diaper rash! 

"They use SO much water."
Well, yes, it will require water to wash them with every load. It's a given that any reusable item is going to use additional water as you continue to wash and reuse it over and over and over. What people don't stop to think about when they make this claim, however, is that there is a lot of water used in the production, packaging, and shipment of every single disposable diaper. This is the same type of logic I apply when I compare using cloth diapers to wearing clothes. None of us would find it sensible to say clothing use too much water to wash and then choose to buy a new outfit every day instead to cut down on water consumption. That's just not accurate and the same principle applies to cloth diapers. 

"It costs way too much money to get started."
I will admit that the initial investment can absolutely be a little daunting. The thing is - it's a matter of when you're spending the money. You can slowly accumulate a stash at the start of a pregnancy, buying a couple of diapers per month, and it helps spread out the expense. Using disposable diapers can easily cost double (or even triple!) what a stash of cloth diapers will.  

"You have to do SO much more laundry." 
It's inevitable - if you use cloth diapers, you will do more laundry, that's a given. I found that it actually helps keep me up to speed with my additional laundry, however, because diaper laundry is non-negotiable. It *has* to be done NOW which forces you to finish the other loads you started prior!  In that regard, it really does keep the flow of laundry traffic moving more consistently.

So, there you have it - a handful of the most commonly heard "disadvantages" to cloth diapering and why they're really not so bad after all. Do you have any that you'd add to the list?

Friday, July 18, 2014

Get the scoop! {{{Chaplin release details}}}

If you're even vaguely "in the loop" when it comes to the cloth diaper industry, I'm sure you've seen this week's big hype : the new, limited edition print exclusive to bumGenius and Flip cloth diapers! They finally unveiled the newest to the lineup, Chaplin (after the late Charlie Chaplin). Charlie Chaplin is one of the most famous stars of early Hollywood and is most well-known for his roles in iconic silent films in early 19th-century.

eLeMeNO-Pee was honored to be one of the select few retailers chosen to carry this   print and we have been amazed at the response! We did a limited number of pre-orders the day after the print was released and sold out of every single style in less than an hour! WOW! This is one popular print! :)

The good news is, despite the fact that this is a very limited edition and they're flying off the shelves everywhere, you still have another chance at snagging this new print thanks to the way we're planning to roll out our additional stocking!  We are working diligently to figure out the most effective way of stocking the rest of this limited edition diaper so that everyone has a fair chance.

Stay tuned to our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages for timely details about the next online release! (If you typically shop through an eLeMeNO-Pee Rep, be sure to get in contact with her to get the full scoop so you don't miss out)

Friday, July 11, 2014

Rep Spotlight : Stasia Theiss Skelton

This month, I have the pleasure of introducing you to our Statesboro, Georgia rep, Stasia Theiss Skelton!

Stasia and her husband Andrew have been married since January 10, 2009. They met in Athens, Georgia and lived in Augusta for a year and a half before moving to New Orleans for three years while her husband went to seminary and she taught elementary school.

Their daughter, Bailey Drew, was born March 23, 2013.  They now reside in Statesboro where she is a part-time preschool teacher and her husband is a campus minister. They are moving again very soon! They are frugal and strive to be faithful in all that God has given them. Stasia also has a blog, Our Life on a Budget, so be sure to check in there to follow their journey! 

 Now that you know a little more about Stasia and her beautiful family, it's time for a little Q&A!

Who introduced you to cloth diapering? 

{That is a great question… and honestly, I am not really sure. I am pretty frugal (thus the name of the previously mentioned blog) so I think it has always floated around in the back of my mind. When we got pregnant I started researching like crazy. Eventually I met with Nicole (another eLeMeNO-Pee representative) and she helped get me set up!}

What was the first diaper you purchased? 

{Bum Genius 4.0… and I am still in love :)!}

What led you to eLeMeNO-Pee? 

{I had done a lot of research, but still wanted some hands on advice. I was taking a Bradley Method class and got Nicole's card in my binder. Then I set up an appointment, bought my diapers, had a great experience. I knew one day I wanted to work for this company!}


Which of our diaper brands is your favorite?

{I still love Bum Genius. I have a pretty big baby (9 lbs 9 oz at birth…). They have fit her well from day one… I find that some of the other things I have tried squeeze her cute little rolls a little too much!}

What do you love about being a cloth diaper rep? 

{When a client says, "Wow, this seems easier than I expected!" I wish I could get everyone to realize how easy cloth diapering is and not be so scared of it! :)}

Do you have any exciting plans for this summer with your family?

{We have been on quite an adventure this summer. We have been to Atlanta, Augusta, Hilton Head, Ohio (I would tell you the city but you probably haven't heard of it), Annapolis and Washington D.C. 

We are also moving this summer… we are not sure where yet, the hubs is still in process interviewing, but we hope to move in a month!}

If you could give one important piece of advice to a family considering making the switch to cloth diapers, what would it be?

{Meet with someone who already cloth diapers, and I would recommend a representative. Why, you ask? One, you actually get your hands on the diapers. Two, you see how easy it is. Last, but certainly not least- you have a built in support, someone to ask questions, someone that will support you, troubleshoot with you and celebrate with you!}
What is something most people would be surprised to learn about you?
{I am an extreme morning person (think 3:30 AM and the like) and have been since high school.  I used to try to deny it and now I just embrace it:).}

To get in contact with Stasia for a personal consultation, please visit her consultant website :